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BS Barcode to PC


Scan barcode on mobile device and send to computer - "BS Barcode To PC".

Instead of having to buy a barcode scanning device, you can use your mobile phone to scan barcodes into your computer very conveniently.


We offer 2 applications:

1. BS Barcode To PC is an app installed on mobile devices with iOS and Android operating systems. This software is free

Main features include:

+ Scan barcodes

+ Send to computer (if connected to BS Barcode Server application on computer).

+ Copy barcode data to cache


(App "BS Barcode To PC" on iOS, Android download free from App Store, Google Play)

Download BS Barcode To PC for Free


2. BS Barcode Server is an application that runs on computers with Windows or MacOS operating systems.

Main features include:

+ Receive barcodes from mobile devices. The mobile device must install the "BS Barcode To PC" app and connect to this application via network protocol or bluetooth (Free).

+ Allows multiple devices to send barcodes at the same time. (For free)

+ Save baccode as a list in the application. (For free)

+ Copy barcode data to clipboard (For free).

+ Export data from list to CSV file (For registered account).

+ Barcode data to be pushed into the window with the editing cursor (For registered account).

(*) Creating an account is free. Time to use full features is 15 days. After the time expires, users still run the software with limited features.

(BS Barcode Server running on Windows. Download)

(BS Barcode Server running on MacOS. Download)

Price for BS Barcode Server (application on computer) - Registered Account

  • Connect 1 smartphone: $25 per year

  • Connect 3 smartphones: $40 per year

  • Connect 10 smartphones: $80 per year

  • Unlimited smartphones: $120 per year


Connect "BS Barcode To PC" to computer via bluetooth 


Barcode Support

  • Code-128, Code-128B, Code-2of5 Interleaved, Code-39, Code-93

  • GS1-128 (UCC/EAN-128)

  • EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-14, EAN-128

  • EAN-8 Composite Symbology, EAN-13 Composite Symbology

  • UPC-A, UPC-E, UPC-A Composite Symbology, UPC-E Composite Symbology

  • QR Code, QR Code (Mobile/Smartphone)

  • Data Matrix, Royal Mail Mailmark 2D

  • GS1 QR Code, GS1 DataMatrix (not very accurate)


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