Function MsgBoxW of BSAC allows display unicode with many languages in VBA. You only define button text in code or in spreadsheet.
1. Make sure you have installed Add-in A-Tools or BSAC.ocx
2. In VBA,menu Tools->References,... check Bluesofts ActiveX Controls (BSAC.ocx)
3. Define language for button text of MsgBoxW in spreadsheet
4. Create a module in VBAProject and copy codes bellow:
SOURCE CODE run MsgBoxW with multiple language:
'-----------BEGIN COPY----------------------------------
Option Explicit
'In VBA,menu Tools->References,... check Bluesofts ActiveX Controls (BSAC.ocx)
'Author: Nguyen Duy Tuan - -
Public Const r_Ok = 3
Public Const r_Cancel = 4
Public Const r_Yes = 5
Public Const r_No = 6
Public Const r_Ignore = 7
Public Const r_Retry = 8
Public Const r_Help = 9
Public Const r_Abort = 10
Public Const r_Continue = 11
Sub TestMsgBoxWithLanguage()
SaveButtons 'Save prev language
On Error GoTo lbEndSub
'Define button text
Dim col_Lan As Long, sh As Worksheet
Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1")
col_Lan = sh.Range("A1").Value + 1
SetButtonText ID_OK, sh.Cells(r_Ok, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_CANCEL, sh.Cells(r_Cancel, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_YES, sh.Cells(r_Yes, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_NO, sh.Cells(r_No, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_IGNORE, sh.Cells(r_Ignore, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_RETRY, sh.Cells(r_Retry, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_HELP, sh.Cells(r_Help, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_ABORT, sh.Cells(r_Abort, col_Lan).Value
SetButtonText ID_CONTINUE, sh.Cells(r_Continue, col_Lan).Value
'Replace original MsgBox with MsgBoxW in BSAC.ocx
MsgBoxW sh.Cells(13, col_Lan).Value, _
vbYesNoCancel + vbMsgBoxHelpButton + vbInformation, , strUNICODE
RestoreButtons 'Restore old button text
End Sub
'----------------END COPY