BS_USD(Number): Convert text to numbers in excel
BS_Sumifcolor(RangeColor, Condition_Color, RangeCal): Similar to Sumif Function in Excel, but Range is replaced by RangeColor and Criteria is replaced by Condition_color.
BS_CountIfColor(RangeColor,Condition_Color,[RangCal]): Similar to Countif Function in Excel but Range and Condition are colors.
BS_SubtotalifColor(RangeColor,Condition_Color,RangCal,FuncName): Similar to Subtotal but Range and Condition are colors
BS_CountColorUnique(RangeColor): Count unique colors in range.
BS_GetColorValue(CelltoGetColorValue): Get a list of unique values.
BS_Unique(RangeOrArray, SortType, Option): Get a list of unique values.
BS_GetFieldNames(TableName,Option): Get the list of names submitted in the table.
BS_GetTableNames(Option): Get list of table names in database
BS_GetProcNames(Option): Get list of procedure names in database