• To find text, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F or select Find from the Edit menu.
• To find and replace text, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H or select Replace from the Edit menu.
• To find or find and replace text backwards, press Ctrl+Shift+F or Ctrl+Shift+H accordingly.
To find, find and replace all sheets in the workbook:
1. From the sheet tab's shortcut menu, select Select All Sheets.
2. Press Ctrl+F to find or Ctrl+H to find and replace. (Note: Ctrl+F works only for a single sheet in Excel 97). In Excel 2002 and 2003, choose Sheet or Workbook from the Within dropdown list (see the screenshot below).
To find/find and replace special characters & formats:
Using wild cards in the text search:
Use * as a wild card for any number of characters, either before or after text, for example, searching for *CO will find both Cisco and Telco.
Use ? as a wild card for a single character, for example, searching for R?N will find Ron and Ran but not Rain.
To search for an asterisk, enter ~* in the search box.
In Excel 2002 & Excel 2003, use the Find/Find and Replace based on Format (see screenshot below). Screenshot // Finding/Finding & Replacing in a Single Sheet or in All Sheets