Note: The Office XP (2002) and Office 2003 CDs do not include the Report Manager add-in; Excel 97 and Excel 2000 CDs do. The name of the add-in file is Reports.xla.
To install the Report Manager add-in:
1. Download the add-in from the Microsoft Web site:
2. From the Tools menu, select Add-ins.
3. If the Report Manager add-in appears in the list of available add-ins, there is no need to install it. Go to step 6.
4. Click Browse.
5. Locate and select the file name Reports.xla, and then click OK.
6. In Add-ins Available, select Report Manager, and then click OK.
To add a report and save in Report Manager:
1. From the View menu, select Report Manager.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Report Name box, type the name of the report.
4. From Section to Add, open View or Sheet.
5. Select the first view to add to the report: Income Statements.
6. Click Add. The Income Statement view moves to the white list box at the bottom of the Sections in this Report box.
7. Repeat these steps to add other views, as necessary.
8. Select the Use Continuous Page Number box if you want to print continuous numbers at the bottom of the page.
When using the Use Continuous Page Number option:
There is no way to set the first page number, or to number additional pages (for example, a page added from Word) so that they will print in the report. The first page printed will be numbered 1.
Insert additional views into the report (for example, reinsert the Income Statement view), and use the report with the correct number in the footer (you may delete extra pages with incorrect numbers).
1. Using custom views to add pages to reports
Using Custom Views to add pages to a report is like buying an insurance policy for safe printing. The pages are printed according to the print options defined and saved earlier.
To print a report:
1. From the View menu, select Report Manager.
2. Select the report you want to print, and then click Print.
To change, add, or close a report, or arrange the printing of its pages:
Click Edit.
To delete a report:
Select the report and click Delete.
Screenshot // Printing an Already Saved Report Using Report Manager