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Printing page number in the opposite direction in landscape layout page in Microsoft Excel

What do you do if one of the pages in a report is set up in landscape layout, while all the other pages are set up in portrait layout? When all the pages are combined into a single report, the page number that should be at the bottom of the landscape page will not be printed at the bottom, but at the right side (the footer of a page that is printed in landscape layout).

Print the page number from a cell in the sheet, not in the footer.
Example: A Profit and Loss Statement has 13 columns (A:M). The Profit and Loss Statement is part of a report with a large number of pages in portrait layout, but the Profit and Loss Statement is in landscape layout.

  1. Select Column A (see the screen shot).
  2. Right-click, and from the shortcut menu, select Insert.
  3. In Cell A1, type the number 5 (assuming that 5 is the number of the page in the report).
  4. Select the range A1:A29.
  5. Press Ctrl+1 (Format Cells).
  6. Select the Alignment tab.
  7. In Text Alignment, Horizontal, select Left (in Excel 97, select Right). In Text Alignment, Vertical, select Center.
  8. In Text Control, select Merge cells.
  9. In Orientation, change the text orientation to -90 degrees (if the sheet direction is right to left, text orientation should be 90 degrees).
  10. Click OK.
  11. Update the print area - from the File menu, select Page Setup.
  12. Select the Sheet tab.
  13. In Print Area, change B1 to A1. The new print area is A1:N29 (the print area includes the new column).
  14. Select the Margins tab.
  15. Reduce the right margin to 0 (so that the page number will appear at the bottom of the printed page).
  16. Select the Header/Footer tab.
  17. Select Custom footer.
  18. Delete Page (if it appears in one of the sections).
  19. Click OK.
The result - the page number, 5, is displayed horizontally and centered in Column A. Screenshot // Printing page number in the opposite direction in landscape layout page in Microsoft Excel
Printing page number in the opposite direction in landscape layout page in Microsoft ExcelPrinting page number in the opposite direction in landscape layout page in Microsoft ExcelPrinting page number in the opposite direction in landscape layout page in Microsoft Excel