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Hiding Errors in Cells Before Printing

To hide errors in cells before printing in Excel 97 and Excel 2000:

1. Select the Print Area in the Sheet, and from the Format menu, select Conditional Formatting.
2. In Condition1, select Formula Is.
3. In the Formula box, type =ISERROR(A1) (assuming the print area starts at cell A1).
4. Click Format and select the Font tab.
5. In Color, select white and click OK.
6. In the Conditional Formatting dialog box, click OK.

To hide errors in cells before printing in Excel 2002 and Excel 2003:

1. From the File menu, select Page Setup.
2. Select the Sheet tab.
3. From Cell errors as, select blank, and then click OK.

Screenshot // Hiding Errors in Cells Before Printing
Hiding Errors in Cells Before Printing Hiding Errors in Cells Before Printing