You are here How to restore lost in Add-In A-tools toolbar in Microsoft Excel

How to restore menu A-tools in Microsoft Excel

1. Reasons

In many cases, we suddenly turn off the Excel file to process incorrectly, possibly due to power loss, computer crash, ... Toolbar Add-in A-Tools will be temporarily lost. This article shows you how to recover the temporarily lost A-Tools Add-in toolbar in Microsofts Excel.

2. Restore the A-Tools menu in Microsoft Excel

When opening the Excel file again, we will receive the following message, we must select the "No" button to keep the Add-in A-Tools toolbar, if you select "Yes", the Add-in A-Tools toolbar will be lost.


In that case, we have 2 ways to fix it.
 Method 1:
Step 1: Go to "File" => Select "Options":

  • Step 2: Click "Add-in", in the "Manage" combo box, point to "Disabled Items".

  • Step 3: At the "Disabled Items" section, select the displayed Add-in, then click "Enable".

  •  Step 4: Turn off and reopen the Excel file, check whether Add-in A-Tools has been restored or not.

Method 2:

  • Step 1: Close the file excel.
  • Step 2: At the desktop, select “Enable Add-ins in Excel” by the yellow exclamation point icon

  • Step 3: Double-click to display the tables, we click "Enable All Add-ins", after receiving the add-in notification, we turn off the notification and reopen the Excel file to check the results.

Hope the article will help you in the process of using Add-in A-Tools.