The simplest way is to perform the calculation in the array and return this array to the Excel spreadsheet with function BS_FILLARRAY of the Add-in A-Tools.
=BS_FILLARRAY(array, ["Options"])
1. Return array from function INDEX()
2. Append multiple array and return it to spreadsheet
=bs_FillArray(BS_ARRAY2D(A1:D10, A14: D20, D1:G20))
3. Append multiple array and return it to spreadsheet, set option INSERT in formula
=bs_FillArray(BS_ARRAY2D(A1:D10, A14: D20, D1:G20), "INSERT=YES")
3. Append multiple array and return it to spreadsheet, set option INSERT, create NAME in formula
=bs_FillArray(BS_ARRAY2D(A1:D10, A14: D20, D1:G20), "INSERT=YES; NAME=MixData")
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