With any application as Zalo, Chrome, Word,... you can embed in Task Pane in Excel with BSAC. Now I show step by step to do it.
Step 1: Refrences BSAC.ocx into Excel file or application.
+ In VBA window, click menu "Tools"->"References".
+ From window "References - VBAProject", click button "Browse", select file of type is "*.ocx" to find OCX files. Open folder:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for Windows 64-bit, Office 32-bit)
C:\Windows\System32 (for Windows 64-bit, Office 64-bit)
C:\Windows\System32 (for Windows 32-bit, Office 32-bit)
Find "BSAC.ocx" and select it.
Step 2: You need a tool to find information of application window "Spy++". Download Spy++ at link: https://github.com/westoncampbell/SpyPlusPlus
Step 3: Create module and coding:
(*) Sink control:
SinkControl is parameter in BSTaskPanes.Add(....), it can be:
Step 4: Use tool Spy++ to find Class name and Title/Caption of appliction window, in this article I help you embed Chrome. I put class name in cell B1, Title in cell B2.
Step 5: Run code you have a Task Pane with Chrome embeded:
Video instruction: