Create File Explorer in VBA with BSListView controls , BSImageList in BSAC controls
In VBA, do it step by step:
Step 1: Create a Userform
Make sure that you have installed Add-in A-Tools (version or later) or BSAC.ocx activex controls ( version or later) before performing Step 2
Step 2: Click on the Userform, view the "Toolbox" window, right click on the "Controls" tab => "Import Page", select the "ImportToToolbox.pag" file (Download )
(Only do Step 2 if you do not see the BSAC controls on the Toolbox window)
Step 3: Drag the controls to the Userform: BSComboBox (cbView), BSListView (BSListView1), BSButton (cmdSelectFolder), BSEdit(edtPath), BSImageList (iml16), BSImageList (iml32)
Step 4: Right click on the Userform -> View the Code. Now you have the widow to edit the code. Copy the code below:
'-------BEGIN COPY
'Author: Nguyen Duy Tuan - OR
' Mail: - Tel: (84) 904210337
Option Explicit
Dim hwnd
Private Sub BSListView1_OnItemDblClick(ByVal Item As BSAC.BSListItem)
ShellExecute hwnd, "OPEN", edtPath.Text & "\" & Item.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cbView_OnSelect()
BSListView1.View = cbView.ItemIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSelectFolder_OnClick()
Dim sPath As String, Params As TBSBrowseForFolderParams
Params.NewFolderButton = True
Params.Title = "Please select folder:"
'If BrowseForFolder(sPath, "Please select folder:") Then
If BrowseForFolderEx(Params) Then
sPath = Params.Result
edtPath.Text = sPath
'Add folder and files to BSListView
GetAllFiles sPath, True 'Get Folder
GetAllFiles sPath, False 'Get Files
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetAllFiles(sPath As String, ByVal GetFolder As Boolean)
Dim Files, bf As New BSFunctions
Dim cl As BSListColumn, li As BSListItem, Idx&, Ext$
Dim I&, J&, s$
Dim hIcon, hsmIcon
' Type of Files is array 2D= (1..m, 1...n)
Files = GetFiles(Path:=sPath, Folder:=GetFolder, SubFolder:=False)
'Add column header
If BSListView1.Columns.Count = 0 Then 'Create columns for the first time
For J = LBound(Files, 2) To UBound(Files, 2)
If J 2 Then 'ignore index 2
BSListView1.Columns.Add Files(LBound(Files, 1), J)
End If
Next J
BSListView1.AutoColumns 'resize columns
End If
'Add items
For I = LBound(Files, 1) + 1 To UBound(Files, 1) 'Get rows
Ext = Files(I, 3) 'It is key to find image
If GetFolder Then
Ext = "folder"
ElseIf Ext = ".ico" Then
Idx = iml32.ListImages.AddIcon(sPath & "\" & Files(I, 1)) 'Create and Add icon to Imagelist size 32
Idx = iml16.ListImages.AddIcon(sPath & "\" & Files(I, 1)) 'Create and Add icon to Imagelist size 16
ElseIf Ext ".exe" And Ext ".ico" Then
Idx = iml16.ListImages.IndexOf(Ext)
Idx = -1 'let find icon
End If
If Idx = -1 Then 'not exists then add new icon for file type
If GetAssociatedIcon(sPath & "\" & Files(I, 1), hIcon, hsmIcon) > 0 Then
Idx = iml32.ListImages.AddIcon(hIcon, Ext) 'Add icon to Imagelist size 32
iml16.ListImages.AddIcon hsmIcon, Ext 'Add icon to Imagelist size 16
End If
End If
Set li = BSListView1.Items.Add(Files(I, 1), Idx)
For J = 3 To UBound(Files, 2) 'Get columns
li.SubItems.Add Files(I, J)
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim hIcon, hIcon2
hwnd = GetHwnd(Me)
'Set resize userform, min, max button
SetWindowLong hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) Or _
iml16.PicWidth = 16
iml16.PicHeight = 16
iml32.PicWidth = 48
iml32.PicHeight = 48
hIcon = ExtractIcon(0, GetSysDir & "\shell32.dll", 3) 'Icon Folder
hIcon2 = ExtractIcon(0, GetSysDir & "\shell32.dll", 3) 'Icon Folder
iml16.ListImages.AddIcon hIcon, "folder"
iml32.ListImages.AddIcon hIcon2, "folder"
BSListView1.View = vsReport
BSListView1.hSmallImageList = iml16.hImageList
BSListView1.hImageList = iml32.hImageList
BSListView1.RowSelect = True
BSListView1.MultiSelect = True
BSListView1.AllowCustomSort = True
BSListView1.lpfnCustomSort = GetFuncPtr(AddressOf SortByColumn)
'Add combobox View
cbView.Items.Add "vsIcon"
cbView.Items.Add "vsSmallIcon "
cbView.Items.Add "vsList"
cbView.Items.Add "vsReport"
cbView.ItemIndex = 3 'vsReport
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Resize()
If Width - BSListView1.Left > 0 Then
BSListView1.Width = Width - BSListView1.Left - 17
End If
If Height - BSListView1.Top > 0 Then
BSListView1.Height = Height - BSListView1.Top - 33
End If
'Caption = Width - BSListView1.Left - 8 & " : " & BSListView1.nWidth
End Sub
'-------END COPY
(*) Go to menu Tools->References
Select/check "AddinATools.dll" to use GetFiles () function
Step 5: Go to menu "Insert"->Module. Now you have the widow to edit the code. Copy the code below:
'-------BEGIN COPY
Option Explicit
' BSListView1.AllowCustomSort = True
' BSListView1.lpfnCustomSort = GetFuncPtr(AddressOf SortByColumn)
' SortByColumn run when click on column to sort
#If VBA7 Then
Function SortByColumn(ByVal lParam1 As LongPtr, ByVal lParam2 As LongPtr, ByVal Col As Long) As Long
Function SortByColumn(ByVal lParam1 As Long, ByVal lParam2 As Long, ByVal Col As Long) As Long
#End If
Dim Item1 As BSListItem, Item2 As BSListItem
Dim v1, v2
Set Item1 = UserForm1.BSListView1.Items.GetItemFromLPARAM(lParam1)
Set Item2 = UserForm1.BSListView1.Items.GetItemFromLPARAM(lParam2)
'Get data from BSListView
If Col = 0 Then
v1 = Item1.Text
v2 = Item2.Text
v1 = Item1.SubItems(Col - 1)
v2 = Item2.SubItems(Col - 1)
End If
'Convert data
Select Case Col
Case 2, 6:
v1 = CDbl(v1)
v2 = CDbl(v2)
Case 3, 4, 5:
v1 = CDate(v1)
v2 = CDate(v2)
End Select
If v1 = v2 Then
SortByColumn = 0
ElseIf v1 < v2 Then
SortByColumn = -1
SortByColumn = 1
End If
If Not UserForm1.BSListView1.SortIsAscending Then
SortByColumn = -SortByColumn
End If
Set Item1 = Nothing
Set Item2 = Nothing
End Function
Sub ShowExlorer()
End Sub
'-------END COPY
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